
On this page, you will find upcoming and past Commision and community events. We encourage all Nova Scotians to participate and celebrate our diverse communities. If you have an event we should include here please contact us.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

February 14th, 2019 - February 14th, 2019 - Free Human Rights 101 Workshop, Halifax (Government Employees Only)
February 14th, 2019 - February 14th, 2019 - Free Human Rights 101 Workshop, Halifax (Government Employees Only)

This day-long workshop provides an opportunity for individuals to explore issues of diversity and discrimination, and to better understand them within the context of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act.

February 1st, 2019 - February 28th, 2019 - African Heritage Month

The 2019 provincial theme, Our History is Your History, recognizes the unique story of African Nova Scotians and how this story is interwoven throughout the past, present and future of all Nova Scotians. The theme reminds us that when we all acknowledge and understand the truths of our shared history through awareness, cooperation, dialogue and learning, we will be able to facilitate positive change in Nova Scotia.

This year’s theme also aligns with the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent, commonly known as DPAD, with the goal to strengthen global cooperation in support of people of African descent as they strive for full inclusion in all aspects of society.

Learn more about the origins of African Heritage Month.

January 30th, 2019 - January 30th, 2019 - Free Human Rights 101 Workshop, Sydney

This day-long workshop provides an opportunity for individuals to explore issues of diversity and discrimination, and to better understand them within the context of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act.

This session is planned to allow for flexibility, small group discussions and interaction among participants and facilitators. Experience, reflection, thinking and doing are part of each workshop as individuals apply their experiences to the day.

Acknowledging diversity in learning styles, the workshop incorporates a variety of activities to ensure inclusive participant engagement.

At the end of the day participants will have:

The mandate and focus of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission

How you are protected under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act

Understanding current terms related to Human Rights

The responsibilities of the employer and employee as it relates to accommodations in the workplace

How to practically apply what you have been taught today by way of case studies

Government employees, please ensure upon registering you use your provincial email address.