Nia Summit, Led by African Nova Scotian/Black Youth

he Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, in partnership with the Delmore Buddy Daye Learning Institute and the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, is working with youth leaders to organize the Nia Summit. 

For over 400 years, the self-determination (Kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (Ujima) of the Black community in Nova Scotia have been instrumental in purposeful (Nia), ongoing, fight against anti-Black racism and social justice. The youth perspective in addressing anti-Black racism and social injustice is an important and relevant one. Their voices must be brought to the forefront, it must be done with purpose and spaces must be created to echo those voices across our society – the Nia Summit is one such space to begin this journey into a better future and tomorrow for all people.

This youth led summit will be open to Black High School students from across Nova Scotia. The event will also be livestreamed. 

For more information, visit the following link:
Learn more and register today!